写文档范文 >观后感





1, 小作文的字数不够乃低级错误之最!

2 , 尽量把字迹写工整,虽然字迹工整与否并不是评分标准范畴里的,但若你的英文写成了狂草书,考官也是会抓狂的!

3 , 小作文不需要用太过于复杂的句式,能避免使用定语从句就不用,记住一句话:用最精辟的语言表达出最完整的信息!

4 , 在小作文中放入插入语,伴随状语等形式能让你的文章更显精辟!

5 , 小作文是客观性作文,所以你的文章中只能使用客观用词,不能出现 because 等主观性解释性的语句。

6 ,不要用一般现在时贯穿首尾,一般情况下小作文主要时态为过去时。此外,将来时不会出现在小作文中!

7 ,单词重复属于小作文写作中的大忌!在精辟的同时请选用多样化的词汇彰显你的学术范儿。

8 , 大作文所占分值更多,所以若遇大作文比较难写,先干掉大作文!

9 , 老外非常注重英文写作时候的逻辑,所以在你的小作文里请分段清楚,那最能体现你清晰的逻辑思路。

10 , 熟练掌握小作文三大段框架,即开头介绍段,中间描述段和结尾总结段,这会让你的文章看起来更具有条理和整洁。

11 ,中间描述段要以便于对比为目的,从对比和类比,从不同属性的比较,从最具有代表性的数据入手等都是行之有效的分段方法。

12 , 小作文写作最好有明确是时间分配,即准备阶段 3 分钟,写作阶段 15 分钟。严格遵循 18 分钟完成小作文的要求。绝对不能抢大作文的风头!

13 , 绝对不能忽略对比,当你用完比较级,最高级后开始绞尽脑汁时,何不尝试一下从数据入手,从曲线本身入手,从总量对比入手使用分数,倍数,百分比等语法手段多方位多角度立体式轰炸呢?

14 , 字数不能过多,字数过多只说明一个问题:你在描述 all features 而不是 main features !

15 ,在确定好首段改写 introduction 以及末段总结后,从宏观出发,找到分段点。再确定 main features. 最后选定合适的词和句。层层递进,逐个击破!

16, 不要为了凑字数而写,在准备阶段最好在心中有数,设定好整篇文章可以用几个句子完成,以期达到精辟和有效,没用的信息只会让考官反感。

17 ,结尾段不要遗漏,相反,重申总结或通过中间段分析得出结论能提高你文章的整体层次感!

18 ,单词拼写错误是写作中最不划算的扣分项,请写完后迅速浏览自己文中的单词拼写问题。



2,要能够区别formal写作和informal写作的差别在哪里。大家都只到这主要体现在2方面,语法和词汇。譬如语法中被动语态被认为是formal写作里非常重要一种表达方式,那么用it is considered that 要明显比people all believe that更使语言提高档次。而词汇的formal使用也很重要,比如用complete不用finish,用occur不用happen等等。


4,词汇和语法结构的复杂多变。曾经我们称赞冰心用词的多变,数千言没有重复的词汇,英语其实也是如此。比如basic,radical,fundamental,如果翻译成中文意思其实差不多,但其实还是有不同,那么一篇文章中如果同时准确的用到了这三个词汇,那么给考官的感觉肯定是不同凡响的。而语法结构的复杂不只是体现在句子长上,重要的体现出多变。比如为了加长句子我们可能总是说people who care。其实换成people caring 。不过少了一个词,但却是展示了另一种高层次的语法。(口语里比较多见,但不是说informal)其实字数我从来不认为是一种达到7分的障隘。



the 21st century has begun.

what changes do you think this new century will bring?

model answer:

man, through the ages, has undergone many changes from the time when he depicted a herd of mammoths on the walls of his cave to these days when he can create beautiful pictures and even make coffee by use of computer technologies without leaving his favorite chair. the 20th century made huge steps in developing computer technologies and reached many goals that made our life much easier. what should we expect in the 21st century?

first of all, i think that the pace of our life will speed up: we will move faster from one place to another, from one continent to another using high speed jet airplanes. second of all, i believe that we will be able to do many things that take much time now without leaving our house. computers will be everywhere including out clothes. many people will have chips and mini computers inserted in their heads to hold huge amount of information and have a quick access to it.

but what will be the most amazing thing in the 21st century is the flights to the outer space and mars that will be available to all people. scientists say that mars has many things similar to the earth's. moreover, they say that with the help of modern technology people can artificially create conditions that will allow people to live there on the constant basis.

to sum up, i am sure that many amazing changes will be brought by the 21st century. furthermore, i think that with the help of the contemporary technologies people can do many things that were even difficult to imagine a century ago. so, nowadays it is rather difficult and even impossible to imagine all changes that will happen in the next decades.











there is no denying that every thing has one more face and ... is no exception.


every thing in the world has its own two sides. without exception, a has both advantages and disadvantages.


....undoubtedly plays an increasing significant role in modern life.


with the development of the society, ... is increasingly important.


the merits of this is obvious...


as we know, ... bring many benefits and convenience to people.

众所周知,_______ 为我们的生活带来很多好处。

there are no less than three advantages in .. as rendered below.

如下所示,_______ 至少有三种好处。

despite the advantages ... has, some people claim, we shall not lose sight of its adverse effects on...


however, like anything else,... has more than one face.

然而,象其他任何事物一样,______ 还有其它的方面。

however, with the advance of the human civilization, there is an increasing number of people who have raised doubts about whether...


some people deem it is a dangerous signal and call for public awareness of the negative effects it has brought about.


of course, nothing in the world is perfect, so is...


despite its merits, it also brings some problems to solve.


but its bright side should not keep us from examining its dark side.


from the reasons presented above, i think the pros outweigh the cons.


as far as i am concerned, its disadvantages outweigh its disadvantages.


总的说来:in general, all in all, on the whole , in brief, in summary, in conclusion, in short, in a word , to sum up, to conclude, to summarize,...

but all in all, i would say the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. with the advance of society, if we encourage the merits and eliminate the drawbacks, all people will enjoy a better life.


from what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that...


so, as i see it..


what we must do is to encourage the strength and diminish the weaknesses to the least extent.


in conclusion, although ... has its negative effects, it can to a great extent bring us more advantages.

总的说来,虽然_______ 有其负面的影响,在很大程度上,其也将给我们带来很多好处。

from what has been discussed above, we can see ... does more harm than good to us. therefore, i strongly approve of the motion that...

从以上论述可知,_____ 对我们百害而无一利。






1)主体段落的首句一定是概述 。如上图,第一段首句概述——单身更容易贫困(single people, with or without children were more likely to be )之后,需要提供具体的事实作为证据,所以接下来的拓展顺理成章,衔接手段也容易选择。如:in specific, 证据一:单亲家庭贫困比例最高,超过五分之一,达到21%;in addition, 证据二:单身无子女的贫困率次之,但也远高于平均水平,接近五分之一,达到19%。

2)主体段第二段通常需要处理一系列次重要数据,所以配合该段首句展开、分清主次、归纳取舍是构思和写作的关键。在概述 - 夫妇和老人的情况好得多(couples and aged people were better )之后,需要处理四组数据,即夫妇有小孩12%;夫妇无孩7%;老年夫妇4%;老年单身6%。由于12%明显大于其它数据,所以要先写,然后呈现7%,而老年人4%和6%的数据最小,这是数据特征,为了体现这一特征,一定要把两类老年家庭一起写,可以取平均值加以表述。这样,由于首句的引导,整段在衔接手段的选择、叙述语气的调整以及数据的取舍上就都有了方向。为了配合说“情况好得多”, 在描述12%和7%时就可以恰当得调整一下语气,如即便有孩夫妇的贫困率略高于平均数 达到12%,但是无孩的远低于平均水平,仅7%;然后再提及老年人数据时可以理直气壮得说,老年人极少贫困,贫困率仅约5%。这样的文章主次分明,且紧凑,同时相应的衔接手段可以使文章更连贯、更流畅。


1)按照大小的对比关系来考量,本图数据的特征是三类开销中第一列 (food/drink/tobacco) 的比例最大,概述也非常简单直白:

customer in the given five countries spent the most on food, drink and

所以将其拎出来作为主体段第一段的首句很合适。之后,有5个百分比需要作为证据呈现在支持句里。原则是,绝不写流水账。通过观察数据,我们发现土耳其和爱尔兰的数据远大于其它三个国家,那么这两个国家的数据就需要一起呈现,而其它三个国家数据相似,也可以归为一类一起呈现,这样可以更充分地回应任务。而为了配合主题句中“spent the most” 的表述,我们不妨把叙述的方法调整一下:

specifically, it cost turkish and irish nearly one third of their income, which accounted for % and %,


even in the rest three countries, namely spain, italy and sweden, the proportions of expenditure on this category were close to one fifth, which represented %, % and %,


2) 正文的第二段,我们需要处理十个百分比,决不要去罗列它们,否则的话是对写作任务的藐视。我们先确定概述:

by contrast, consumers in five countries allocated much less of their spending on the other two categories, which were clothing and footwear, and leisure and

我们这一段的主题是“much less”, 所以数据从简,在第二列里意大利的开销最大,可以提一下,但是要注意语气,不妨将其表达为,即便是在开销最大的意大利,其百分比也不足十分之一(9%),而在剩下的四个国家,这项的开销都小于十二分之一,或者用7%也行,总之要突出“小”:

with regard to the former one (clothing and footwear), it only took no more than one tenth of daily expenditure (9%) in italy which ranked the first in all five, while the rest four only spent less than one out of a dozen (7%).

接下来说leisure and education 的时候,给一个约数即可——都不足5%,千万不要在纠缠在谁最大谁最小的套路里,因为不论谁大谁小都不重要了。



雅思写作考试话题:some people who have been in prison become citizens later. some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students about the danger of committing a crime. to what extent do you agree or disagree?已经成为良好市民的ex-prisioner,是最合适的人选,来教育学生关于犯罪的危害么?立场:完全反对,采用四段式(2个反对理由各为一段)。


preventing juvenile delinquency and cultivating children's law-abiding consciousness are an indispensable part in school education. who are the best teachers in this regard is a debatable issue, but i object to inviting criminals set free from prison to educate school children about the danger of crimes.

admittedly, these former criminals' personal experience can be more vivid and interesting than teachers' standardized course books, which can successfully attract children's attention. however, at an age without the ability to distinguish right from wrong, children tend to pay more attention to the crime itself rather than the purpose of education. for instance, the story of robbing a shop can be very stimulating to children, but what serious consequences such a crime can lead to may not have as much influence as the story does on children's minds.

since criminals have become good citizens, they cannot be denied the right to help the young generation to understand and obey the law. but these former criminals are not the best people to do this. children have a tendency to imitate what they see and hear. when they see criminals are transformed into good citizens and even become respected lecturers on the stage, children may get the wrong impression that committing crimes can be forgiven. this goes against the origin i intention of letting children stay away from crimes and respect and obey the law.

contact with people who have crime records will inevitably cause parents' and teachers' concerns; therefore, perhaps the policemen who deal with criminals should play a role in educating children to realize the danger of crimes.

2018年7月28日雅思写作真题小作文 :the chart shows the percentage of boys and girls who participate in different sports activities in 2010.男女生在6项运动里参与的人数比例。

这道小作文题目毫无难度,考生们只要注意到了这是参与的人的比例,而不是人数即可。重点写到这是六种运动的流行性或者吸引力即可:popularity of six kinds of sports for boys and girls.这次考试的图形为最常见的柱图,首先要注意的动静态的区分及写作重点的不同,同时在分析分段的时候,两种项目之间要分析按照哪种项目分段比较有利于我们的细节比较,再之后用另一种项目进行总结即可。图形比较的简单,详略度上也要注意


given is a bar making a comparison in the proportion of two genders who take part in the six physical activities in 2010.

from what can be seen, girls had the greatest enthusiasm for swimming with a percentage of 13%, at the same time, figures for tennis and basketball were also significant, at 8% and 7% respectively. in contrast, female teenagers showed lowest interests in cricket and netball, at an equal proportion of 2%.

on the other hand, as for the counterpart of girls, 20% and 18% (highest proportion) of boys played football and netball in 2010, which is followed by those of swimming and cricket at above 10%. however, people in this group involving in basketball and tennis accounted for the least, just below 10%.

overall, the involvement of boys, compared with that of girls, in sports is generally higher and gaps in cricket, netball and football between two sexes are most noticeable.


making a comparison genders

physical activities greatest enthusiasm for

lowest interests in counterpart

followed by involving in gaps most noticeable

2018年8月2日雅思图表小作文真题范文 动态线形图

2018年8月2日雅思小作文 线图the graph shows the producton of main fuels in uk between 1986 and 2000.



the line graph illustrates how the amount of three primary fuels generated had changed in the uk during 14 years spanning from 1986 to 2000.

from 1986 to 1995, we can see that petroleum was a dominant resource, with its production standing at 120 in 1986. then there was a significant rise in the following years and after peaking at 140 in 1991, the production dropped considerably down to the 1986 figure. a reversed trend could be seen in coal, with its generation starting from 110 and ending with roughly 90 in 1995. it is natural gas that remained the least and the most stable at around 60 over the time frame.

during the remaining five year, a particular rise could be seen in petroleum, shooting up to almost 150 in 2000 while coal underwent a dramatic fall to about 60. natural gas had gained more popularity, exceeding coal in 1996 and finally becoming the second leading resource in this country with 120 of total production.

in brief, petrol and natural gas were the leading energy while coal had lost its dominance over this period.


线型图一般考察3-6条线的变化趋势,时间多数为过去,有时候较复杂会包含过去,现在及将来预测。该题目审题不难,时间为1986至2000, 时态为一般过去时或者过去完成时。地点为英国,具体内容为3种主要能源的生产。该题主要解题思路有两种:1. 按照能源划分,各自描述变化趋势,最后做对比;2. 按照时间段划分,比如1986-1995,1995-2000分开描述。数字单位不详。

















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