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2,要能够区别formal写作和informal写作的差别在哪里。大家都只到这主要体现在2方面,语法和词汇。譬如语法中被动语态被认为是formal写作里非常重要一种表达方式,那么用it is considered that 要明显比people all believe that更使语言提高档次。而词汇的formal使用也很重要,比如用complete不用finish,用occur不用happen等等。


4,词汇和语法结构的复杂多变。曾经我们称赞冰心用词的多变,数千言没有重复的词汇,英语其实也是如此。比如basic,radical,fundamental,如果翻译成中文意思其实差不多,但其实还是有不同,那么一篇文章中如果同时准确的用到了这三个词汇,那么给考官的感觉肯定是不同凡响的。而语法结构的复杂不只是体现在句子长上,重要的体现出多变。比如为了加长句子我们可能总是说people who care。其实换成people caring 。不过少了一个词,但却是展示了另一种高层次的语法。(口语里比较多见,但不是说informal)其实字数我从来不认为是一种达到7分的障隘。













the line chart illustrates how the average heights of people had varied in four developed countries over two centuries from 1775 to 1975. generally, the heights underwent an overall upward trend across all the countries.

initially, americans ranked the top, with an average height of approximately 168 cm which was immediately followed by british (166cm) while people from denmark and france were slightly higher than 160 cm.

over the following seven and a half decades, in spite of some minor ups and downs, the average heights had almost remained unchanged in all the countries except france where people’s height kept rising in the latter half of the period. this exceeded that of the danish in around 1850.

after that, the trend in the usa and the uk showed great similarity though at a slightly different rate. they saw an ongoing rise until 1975, when the height equaled to approximately 180 cm. the danish grew considerably and became the tallest at almost 190 cm, standing in remarkable contrast with french who were merely 173 cm.

in short, while americans and the british were equally high in the end, the gap between danes and frenchmen had widened.




无论是什么样的 英语作文,都离不开语法的支持。它就像修房子的地基一样,只有牢固的语法基础,作文这座摩天大楼才能拔地而起。就小作文而言,我们可以将语法复习分为两个部分。即时态和句型。众所周知,英语十二大时态乃语法之根本,然而雅思小作文仅需两个时态即可搞定!从考官的满分作文来看,除了首句用一般现在时,后面的句子都可以用一般现在时。当然有一种情况例外,就是如果给你的图表上面有对将来的预测即你当前时间以后的情况的话我们就用一般现在时加表预测的 词汇 来使用就可以了。句型方面要求也不是很高,在我们中学阶段所学的简单句和复杂句上面找寻最合适的就行了,原则上雅思小作文并不推荐大家使用太过于复杂的长难句。从满分范文上就能看出端倪,一篇好的小作文就是在它身上抠不出更多的东西。所以,小品词,插入语,非谓语动词等的用法尤为 关键 和重要,请大家在准备阶段的时候多加复习。





雅思官方规定了小作文写作时间20分钟最低字数150字,大作文写作时间40分钟最低字数180字。从这个层面就很好的印证了官方的那句话:”writing task 2 carries more weight.”小作文所占分值不如大作文高,但并不代表着它就不重要,往往小作文写得好坏足以影响后面大作文发挥的 心情 和状态。那么怎么样写好一篇小作文呢?

首先我们要确定所谓小作文究竟有哪些?其实就是两大类:主流类(曲线图、饼状图、柱状图和表格图),非主流类(流程图、示意图和地图)。针对不同的类别我们又不同的写法,但无论怎样都是遵循着游戏规则来的,即官方的四大评分标准:ta(task achievement)(任务完成) c&c(coherence and cohesion)(连贯与衔接) lr(lexical resource)(词汇资源) gr&a(grammatical range and accuracy)(语法范围与精确)。

听起来很抽象是不是?我们换成的捷径就是:三个六选一(选词汇,选句型和选连接)加上一个分段技巧(按内部逻辑关系分段、找最少属性分段和找对比和类比分段)的妙用就可以解决通杀大部分小作文了!再配合着五步解题法,那恭喜你,小作文方面可以独步江湖了!五步解题法,即:看、分、解、定、写。拿到图表以后先看图例和任务要求,再有一个清晰的分段,雅思考官非常注重文章的逻辑性,所以你要有脉络清楚的分段,这是得 高分 的先决条件。





children who grow up in families which are short of money are better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children who are brought up by wealthy parents.to what extent do you agree or disagree?


some feel that the children of low income families are better equipped to deal with difficulties posed by the real world when they grow up and they also believe the privileged children of wealthy families are less fit to deal with these difficulties.the implications and veracity of this argument seem self-evident,but in fact require closer examination.

the popular wisdom is that children of poorer families learn early on the value of a buck ,and are thus naturally better suited to stretching money when times get tough in adulthood. inversely, the children of wealthy families,thoseborn with a silver spoon in their mouths,are believed to be completely ignorant of the tentimes erroneously expecting the same situation in adulthood.they are believed to be prone to overspending and financial irresponsibility. this belief,though logical,overlooks one key point which is,of course,education.

the basis of this argument is,of course,knowing the value of money ,and the idea that children of the poor know this,and those of the wealthy do not.who though,is in a better position to teach their children the value of money,someone skilled in earning and keeping it,the wealthy parent,or someone who can not seem to acquire it,the poor parent? both wealthy and poor children are equally likely to acquire an education in money,whether it is formal,or in the school of hard knocks. conversely, both children are as likely to ignore this education.

a poor child may believe that one can get along,if not as easily,without wealthy.a wealthy child may be well trained by a parent steeped in the knowledge of money management,the key to developing this skill is education.


雅思写作考试话题:some people who have been in prison become citizens later. some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students about the danger of committing a crime. to what extent do you agree or disagree?已经成为良好市民的ex-prisioner,是最合适的人选,来教育学生关于犯罪的危害么?立场:完全反对,采用四段式(2个反对理由各为一段)。


preventing juvenile delinquency and cultivating children's law-abiding consciousness are an indispensable part in school education. who are the best teachers in this regard is a debatable issue, but i object to inviting criminals set free from prison to educate school children about the danger of crimes.

admittedly, these former criminals' personal experience can be more vivid and interesting than teachers' standardized course books, which can successfully attract children's attention. however, at an age without the ability to distinguish right from wrong, children tend to pay more attention to the crime itself rather than the purpose of education. for instance, the story of robbing a shop can be very stimulating to children, but what serious consequences such a crime can lead to may not have as much influence as the story does on children's minds.

since criminals have become good citizens, they cannot be denied the right to help the young generation to understand and obey the law. but these former criminals are not the best people to do this. children have a tendency to imitate what they see and hear. when they see criminals are transformed into good citizens and even become respected lecturers on the stage, children may get the wrong impression that committing crimes can be forgiven. this goes against the origin i intention of letting children stay away from crimes and respect and obey the law.

contact with people who have crime records will inevitably cause parents' and teachers' concerns; therefore, perhaps the policemen who deal with criminals should play a role in educating children to realize the danger of crimes.

2018年7月28日雅思写作真题小作文 :the chart shows the percentage of boys and girls who participate in different sports activities in 2010.男女生在6项运动里参与的人数比例。

这道小作文题目毫无难度,考生们只要注意到了这是参与的人的比例,而不是人数即可。重点写到这是六种运动的流行性或者吸引力即可:popularity of six kinds of sports for boys and girls.这次考试的图形为最常见的柱图,首先要注意的动静态的区分及写作重点的不同,同时在分析分段的时候,两种项目之间要分析按照哪种项目分段比较有利于我们的细节比较,再之后用另一种项目进行总结即可。图形比较的简单,详略度上也要注意


given is a bar making a comparison in the proportion of two genders who take part in the six physical activities in 2010.

from what can be seen, girls had the greatest enthusiasm for swimming with a percentage of 13%, at the same time, figures for tennis and basketball were also significant, at 8% and 7% respectively. in contrast, female teenagers showed lowest interests in cricket and netball, at an equal proportion of 2%.

on the other hand, as for the counterpart of girls, 20% and 18% (highest proportion) of boys played football and netball in 2010, which is followed by those of swimming and cricket at above 10%. however, people in this group involving in basketball and tennis accounted for the least, just below 10%.

overall, the involvement of boys, compared with that of girls, in sports is generally higher and gaps in cricket, netball and football between two sexes are most noticeable.


making a comparison genders

physical activities greatest enthusiasm for

lowest interests in counterpart

followed by involving in gaps most noticeable

2018年8月2日雅思图表小作文真题范文 动态线形图

2018年8月2日雅思小作文 线图the graph shows the producton of main fuels in uk between 1986 and 2000.



the line graph illustrates how the amount of three primary fuels generated had changed in the uk during 14 years spanning from 1986 to 2000.

from 1986 to 1995, we can see that petroleum was a dominant resource, with its production standing at 120 in 1986. then there was a significant rise in the following years and after peaking at 140 in 1991, the production dropped considerably down to the 1986 figure. a reversed trend could be seen in coal, with its generation starting from 110 and ending with roughly 90 in 1995. it is natural gas that remained the least and the most stable at around 60 over the time frame.

during the remaining five year, a particular rise could be seen in petroleum, shooting up to almost 150 in 2000 while coal underwent a dramatic fall to about 60. natural gas had gained more popularity, exceeding coal in 1996 and finally becoming the second leading resource in this country with 120 of total production.

in brief, petrol and natural gas were the leading energy while coal had lost its dominance over this period.


线型图一般考察3-6条线的变化趋势,时间多数为过去,有时候较复杂会包含过去,现在及将来预测。该题目审题不难,时间为1986至2000, 时态为一般过去时或者过去完成时。地点为英国,具体内容为3种主要能源的生产。该题主要解题思路有两种:1. 按照能源划分,各自描述变化趋势,最后做对比;2. 按照时间段划分,比如1986-1995,1995-2000分开描述。数字单位不详。


题目是:some people think traffic and housing problems in large cities can be solved by moving companies and factories and their employees to the countryside. to what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement.



从本期开始,老雅将结合每周考试真题,给大家谈如何在写作中实现“批判性思维”(critical thinking)。首先想申明的是,所谓批判性思维并不高深,简单地说就是我们日常生活里常说的“一分为二地看问题”。大家都同意或都反对的观点,我可以从不同角度、不同层次看出这个观点的合理和不合理之处,也就是比别人看得更深、更细、更全面,做到这一点,就可以说你具有了基本的批判思维能力。



with the economic boom and rapid development of urbanisation, more and more people are now rushing into big cities, which has imposed great pressure on the urban housing and traffic. as one of the solutions to this problem, the government encourages businesses to move to the rural area, which i believe will be very effective to solve the problem of housing and traffic in cities.

on the one hand, most big cities are suffering from large population and limited resources. if big companies and factories, together with their huge number of employees, move to the countryside, there will be fewer people living in the city, then with the housing pressure reduced, the housing prices will surely go down. meanwhile, the urban traffic will also improve because the number of commuters to and from work every day is now smaller. on the other hand, businesses moving to rural area will stimulate the consumption and facilitate infrastructure in this area apart from offering employment opportunities to the local people.

however, some problems may arise if companies move to the countryside. one problem is that the rural area is generally backward in transportation and communication system, which may cause great inconveniences for companies. besides, once many manufacturing factories rush to the rural areas, the peace and quiet in the areas will be immediately disrupted, hence a lot of environmental and social issues.

although there may be transportation, communication and environment problems if businesses move to the country area, i believe it is worth trying because it is an effective way to both solve the traffic and housing problems in major cities and improve the rural economy.(273 words)


boom 繁荣

urbanisation 城市化

impose...on... 把......强加给......

urban 城市的

resource 资源

go down 下降

commuter 通勤人员(按时上下班的人)

stimulate 刺??

consumption 消费(n.)

facilitate 加快;促进

infrastructure 基础设施

employment opportunities 就业机会

arise 出现

backward 落后的

disrupt 打破;干扰

peace and quiet 和平宁静

be worth doing... 值得做......

















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